perfect for kettle grills

One of the most popular grills in the world, the famous Kettle.

Kettle grills are extremely versatile enabling a variety of cooking methods; direct or indirect grilling, smoking, searing and roasting.

The FYRO range has something for every style of cooking in the kettle grill.

Weber Kettle
RecommendedDirect HeatIndirect Heat
Fruit Wood Charcoal*Weber KettleWeber Kettle
Coconut Charcoal Pillows*Weber KettleWeber Kettle
Binchotan-Style BBQ Charcoal Logs*Weber KettleWeber Kettle
Binchotan White CharcoalWeber KettleNot suitable for low air flow situations

Weber Kettle

How to light

Step 1

Choose either of the following methods:

Weber Kettle

Method 1
USE A Chimney Starter

Place charcoal in a chimney starter, and light sufficient firestarters underneath it.


Weber Kettle

Method 2
On the Charcoal grate

Open base air vents, place firestarters at the base of your grill and light them. Put the grate back on, and place charcoal on the grate.

Step 2

Check regularly and add firestarters as needed to get the charcoal > 50% lit.

When the charcoal starts glows red, a fan may be used to speed up ignition.

Once charcoal is > 75% lit, use tongs or charcoal chimney to safely place it in your grill.